How to use Tailwind.css with SvelteKit

Add the utility-first CSS framework to the new “Next.js, but for Svelte” solution, and build apps faster than ever!

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A few months ago I was trialing a different sharing format for my adventures in engineering: YouTube! I was playing around with SvelteKit, still under wraps and extremely heavy development, and had a hard time configuring Tailwind.css to work with it. So I made this video showing how: Tailwind with SvelteKit!

SvelteKit has since switched to using Vite as the bundler, officially went into Beta last week, and has straightforward docs finally open to the public. I’ve been loving building small stuff with it, it’s at the point where I can heartily recommend you give it a shot!

Some third-party libraries, especially those involving http requests, may give you trouble, but if you’re willing to get closer to the metal you’ll make it work… For example, I had to drop the official Airtable client, and write my own requests to their API using node-fetch directly.

I suspect it’s something in the bundling which stops the Airtable library from properly detecting whether it’s running on the server or the browser, and using node-fetch or the native browser fetch accordingly, but, well, that’s by the by:

This article is about setting up Tailwind, which does still work, with less effort even! Give my video a watch for more context on Tailwind and SvelteKit, but you shouldn’t need to deal with any server crashes, hidden dependencies, or long recompile times.

And if you’re just looking for some commands to read and copy & paste, well, do I have the sections for you, coming right up 🚀

Initialising our SvelteKit app

As per the SvelteKit docs, initialise a new SvelteKit project by running:

# Feel free to use `yarn`, `pnpm`,
# or whichever package manager you prefer
npm init svelte@next

This will start the SvelteKit setup wizard, which will kindly ask whether you’d like to setup Typescript, ESLint and Prettier, as well as which flavour of CSS you’d prefer. Personally, I do opt-in to everything and go with the CSS option as the styling solution.

The wizard is also a work in progress, so if you do see a PostCSS option when you run it, do go for it!

Once the wizard finishes, install dependencies, and start the dev server:

npm install
npm run dev

This will get your server running on http://localhost:3000.

I also suggest running a git init at this stage, it may help your IDE realise which files it should be ignoring; I know my VSCode gets a bit overwhelmed by what’s happening in the .svelte directory otherwise!

Open your IDE and nuke all <style> tags. You’ll find some in src/routes/index.svelte and src/lib/Counter.svelte, and we won’t be needing them: we’ll be styling with Tailwind!

The app will instantly update to look… plainer, but not perfectly plain: Once we bring in Tailwind, it will apply a style reset for us, so things will look the same across browsers; we can use that as confirmation our setup worked.

Adding Tailwind

Moving on to the Tailwind docs, we find what to run next:

npm i -D tailwindcss@latest postcss@latest autoprefixer@latest
# remember to use the same package manager as above!

Then, we need to create a PostCSS config file as instructed, but there is a catch: we need to use the .cjs extension to declare it as a CommonJS module: SvelteKit / Vite needs it in that format to ingest it, at least for now! So let’s create postcss.config.cjs in our project root:

// postcss.config.cjs
module.exports = {
  plugins: {
    tailwindcss: {},
    autoprefixer: {},

There is a chance your IDE will not like that .cjs extension: Don’t worry about any squiggly lines if so, the above is perfectly valid!

With the dependencies installed and the PostCSS config above, we can kill and restart the server, and we’ll be most of the way there: No further restarts needed for the remaining of the article!

The only truly essential thing left, is to import the… Tailwind CSS files themselves! So, let’s create a src/tailwind.css file:

/* src/tailwind.css */
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

If we want every page and component in our app to be able to use Tailwind classes, which we probably do, we can import that file we just created, into our root layout file, src/routes/$layout.svelte:

<!--  src/routes/$layout.svelte -->
  import '../tailwind.css'
  import '../app.css'

<slot />

The way SvelteKit works, every route resolved will be rendered in that slot: similar to how, in Next.js, Pages can get rendered inside a custom _app component.

Which means, every route in our app will have Tailwind imported… so our lone index route too, should have the style reset we mentioned earlier instantly applied! We're in!

Let’s go to src/lib/Counter.svelte and add a few classes to the button, to further prove our success:

<!--  src/lib/Counter.svelte -->
  class="text-2xl bg-gray-900 text-white py-2 px-6 rounded shadow"
  Clicks: {count}

Our app should instantly update again, giving us a fancier button: Awesome!

Purging and configuring Tailwind

To give our app a more distinct feel besides “vanilla Tailwind”, and to properly purge unused classes, we should create a tailwind.config.cjs. Again, the .cjs extension is essential!

// tailwind.config.cjs
const colors = require('tailwindcss/colors')

module.exports = {
  purge: ['./src/**/*.svelte', './src/**/*.css'],
  darkMode: false,
  theme: {
    colors: {
      white: colors.white,
      gray: colors.warmGray,
      'svelte-prime': '#ff5030',
  variants: {
    extend: {},
  plugins: [],

You can read more about the Tailwind configuration object in the official docs. The most important thing above is the purge property, where we specify we want to scan .svelte and .css files for usage of Tailwind classes, but we’ve also limited our colour palette and specified a new svelte-prime colour. Let’s use it on our button!

<!--  src/lib/Counter.svelte -->
  class="text-2xl bg-svelte-prime-900 text-white py-2 px-6 rounded shadow"
  Clicks: {count}

Quite on-brand!

Composing classes with @apply

At this point, we are able to use Tailwind in our app, in every way described in the docs! So, let’s end by composing a button class out of a handful of Tailwind utility classes, use it in our Counter, and make a bouncier button while we’re at it.

First, we’ll update our Counter component:

<!--  src/lib/Counter.svelte -->
<button class="button" on:click="{increment}">Clicks: {count}</button>

This will remove all styling, since we haven’t defined that class yet! Let’s extend our config so we can apply a different inset while the button is active:

// tailwind.config.cjs
// ...
module.exports = {
  // ...
  variants: {
    extend: { inset: ['active'] },

Finally, let’s create our composed .button: you may create a new CSS file for your composed classes, or add to the src/app.css file the SvelteKit wizard created for us, or add to the src/tailwind.css file we created earlier, which would look like this:

/* src/tailwind.css */
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

.button {
  @apply text-2xl bg-svelte-prime text-white py-2 px-6 rounded shadow relative active:top-0.5;

In any case, defining this button class will re-style our button element nicely. Give it a few clicks to confirm we did make it bouncy!

I’ve scaffolded a sample repo with the code above for your perusal, and I’d be interested in knowing if you followed along, and if you’ve tried out SvelteKit! Feel free to reach out 🙌

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